Vix, Discs And Flix

My Thoughts on my passion — Movies and Music!!

The PATHAAN Review

Ok folks, so think of a film where the script is practically non-existent, the action scenes are unintentionally funny with hardly any tension, the direction is forgettable, the dialogues are (mostly) cringy and the situations are practically laughable.

Add to that a concoction of all key Big Screen elements – grand global locations, long action set-pieces, a lot of jingoism, lines that elicit audience whistles, missiles, solo flying machines, bikes crashing on blue ice, fights on moving trucks, good looking people, global threats to humanity being diffused, and tons of explosions.

Nope…this is not Baaghi-3 or Fast and the Furious. Or even a poor entry from the James Bond or Mission Impossible series. Because wait…there’s more.

Finally put the icing on the cake with our very own Karan-Arjun beating up over 75 mean-looking baddies in Russia aboard a crashing train on fire, and what do you get? You get PATHAAN.

Would I have watched this movie if it was not for the stars? Probably not. But you should watch PATHAAN because it shows how much hold star power still has on Indians, and how it influences our movie-watching experience.

Watch PATHAAN because what Tiger and Pathaan discuss in the last scene of the movie (post the end credits song…so do stick around and don’t leave early)…is so true!

Watch PATHAAN just for Shah Rukh Khan and for the grand spectacle he helps create.

Watch PATHAAN because…hey…I saw it. Everyone else is seeing it. And so will you. Just because we know we should. Incredulity and reviews be damned! 😊😊

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About Me

Avid pop-culture enthusiast, with a passion for world cinema and music.
